Run around my friends and foes
We all search for a light not found
Hide and seek that gleam of light
This is my humble playground
Softballs catching dust in time
No more are they bouncing around
We hold different positions now
You stop me while I scream touchdown!
Remember those games that we used to play
Fighting wars in your imagination
You were the thief and I the police
Oh, that was some sensation
We used to fight on this playground here
For catches missed and ice creams stolen
The sweet memories of sherbat lemons stands
In this acrid ground all frozen
Now you stand facing me
Just as you did so many years ago
We were friends then, we knew it all
Now we are just confused foes
You’re still the thief, only I am not the cop
We still have those guns that we fired in the mud
Everything is the same, then pray why!
Is my beloved playground filled with your blood?
copyright 2006 shruti bhutada
i wrote this after watching 'the interpreter'. its a lovely movie, and it reminded me of the whole topic of war. how we fight for boundaries and yet, theres nothing dividing us in the end, but our own fear, and insecurities.... this is where lies the reason why we are all warring, and this is where lies the way to end it all, and live as the little kids who played in their playground, and loved each other, and built sand castles together
Excellently written...very lyrical and deep..
Very thought provoking...lyrical and deep...
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