there are a million movies made on love. A billion songs. Everyone talks about it. Eveyone always did, and its quite unvbelievable that a single thing could occupy people imagination so much. Hmmm, I had a take on it too. At first I was quite sure that its this thing people say to fill in the blanks. This meaningless thing that doesn’t exist, I mean where do you see it? Theres always a reason, always a catch. So whats the bloddy point. But it adds this feelgood factor you know. Makes you bear your troubles coz you are under the medication that keeps on telling you that things can be great too. But I guess its more powerful than that, coz try as hard as you may, you cant think that way about love for too long. So then you think that its this feeling, this amazing feeling of euphoria is all about hormones. That’s about the age when we are being taught about the various systems in the body, and the rational side of us wants to fool itself, guess flatter itself by assuming that by putting the word scientific before every theory, you make it unquestionable. Quite true, sciece answers all questions, you possibly cannot question the answering capacity of the answerer. Throw in the dustbin the fact that science has more hypothesis that we take for facts and they were crafted by the very human mind that isbasically the source of the mysteries and questions, and not the answers. So then, love becomes a hormonal reaction. It happens, and it does not have an explanation. Its excitement and your heart will flutter. You will get goosebumps. All the reactions that you will have towards your fat motherly teacher when she catches you being naughty. Of course, you cant possibly be in love with her, coz no one in many centuries did that, she is old and fat and shez your teacher and you’d rather it was a hot girl. So much for the hormonal explanation.
I guess that one dies a death by suicide. Its strongest point, it being a scientific and hence unquestionable answer, crashes it. Also, people grow and realize that they possibly cannot give the same explanations as they are supposed to mature with gerontological maturity. So then lve becomes compatibility. Understanding each other, having wavelengths that match. Being best friends and then loving each other. The perfect maze. It gives the perfect reason for a break up. Irreconcilable differences. He isnt the same person I fell in love with. We have our differences. You fall out of love after sometime. We just grew apart. The phrase here is “ grew” apart. People grow! They change! They are individuals! They have a life that isnt the exact clone of their soulmates. They find new things in life. They understand something better. So what you may have fallen for, wasn’t the best in that person, but probably the worst, that you could relate to, or either ways, and they just decided to grow, grow over it. Maybe it wont happen that often but it will. We don’t run at the same speed. We try, then we realize that we have separate engines, and that by ignoring that fact, we are hurting ourselves!!! What a situation! You give up your individuality and pride for loving someone, and then suddenly realize that you are incapable of loving and getting love from them, coz you don’t even love yourself!! You cry and weep and wail, and hurt and wax eloquent about forever, and say that you are in love and the you move apart because that person grows, changes. What a tragic love story. Who needs scheming parents, they are a myth. Try the scheming life! Why did it have to happen to the other person? Of course when it happens to you, its about the fact that you have chnaged and become a different person and you couldn’t possibly live with this lie. The differences, I repeat, are irreconcilable. Love isnt forever. Forever, is a myth! Any more love songs anyone. Music is as beautiful as it was a million years ago when it was still in a nascent stage, hormones will always be there the same way subject to the mutation, emotions will be so predictable that they will be a subject of books and yet, all these come to life and flower when you fall in love, something that’s gonna last as long as your illusion of the other person does! If someone ever gets beyond lifes like that and sees, they would probably feel that that would make love the biggest money making, ridiculous fraud. I mean, come on, without love half the industries on this planet that have nothing to do with basic minimum survival would collapse. It may not last forever, but its been forever keeping the economy alive.
So is that what love is, friendship? Choosing a person who lets you live your life or matches up to the criteria of whatever you want from life? If you look beyond, where I think the answer lies, coz its really diffcult to lok beyond, I think there are two types of love.
Yeah, one is being in love with love. Most of us are in love with love. That ethreal promise, that Pandora’s box that makes you feel like life is justified. Whatever hormonal, chromosomal, psychological reasons it may have. The person you love, like it or not, is a carrier, and intermediary between you and that feeling. So, people shouldn’t say “ I love you.”, they should say, “I u love”. After all, compatibility, friendship, wavelength and forever are so dynamic, but love, no it isnt. The above things change the person, the intermediary, not love. Love will always be that amazing feeling, that experience. So what if its someone today, someone else tomorrow. We are all like raging wild colours looking for the canvas. The shapes that are to be coloured may change, but we know that we need the canvas. We will always remember what shape our colour formed, but that will be superceded by the fact that we need a canvas, and so, it will hurt, sometimes, it will throw you out of it. But we will still have the canvas.
Loving love isnt a crime. Its actually the reason why this world is still worth living in, world signifying human inhabitation. But there is another kind of love too. When you love a person. No, not the personality, not just the face, not the actions. The confluence of all this in a soul. A soul that you see and feel a stab of pain that makes you realize that that’s a part of you standing there. It symbolizes “I love you” or just I ‘dash’ you. Hate, love, befriend, play, angry at, mad at, happy for. No, you arent obssessed with the emotions in the middle. They are just the intermediaries. Its that person. That entity that lives in the same dimentions as you do, and by that fact you live, knowing that when you breathe a part of this air, they do too. No matching wavelengths, you can adjust the frequencies. I mean you adjust them when circumstances call for it right? What are circumstances but a complex matrix of man and everything around him, human emotions, human thought. Basically, human mind. But you wont adjust your frequency for someone you claim to love more than life? No, it isnt about walking together, you know that that is absolutely your choice. You can stear ahead, you can move at any pace you want. Even when things spin out of control, you know that however far you go, you would turn back and walk upto them. And then walk with them. To cut the extremely long story short, you know that your whole world could change, but that “u” wont. The only time it might have a chance to, is when the I ceases to exist. What a perfect full circle. Turns out you can love yourself and love someone.
Then again, that would depend on if you are in love with that another entity, or the feeling of love, or just plain in love with yourself, everything beyond that being a world you create to facilitate that.
Do we know love? It means different things to different people, yet there are the most popular love songs of all times. It s a mere hormonal reaction followed by intellectual compatibility, yet there are people who would love a vegetable of a person. Its friendship yet two opposite people can find happiness in each other. It cant be generalized, yet there a whole genre called as romatic and different people, from different walks of life come and weep in the same way. Love cannot be defined, yet Romeo and Juliet is the biggest romatic tragedy ever written, and here even the intellectuals wont decry it.
Do we realy understand love? Despite it being the reason behind half the songs, movies, biographies, babies, wars, tragedies, books and conversations that ever took place on this planet? A better question would be….. are we ready to understand love? Can we really understand love? Can we, if we ever do, take the answer?
wow.... i read this one like months ago... i thought u wouldve updated by now yaar... anyway... this post about love's deep... but somehow u know... i just don't like to analyze emotions too much, cause they are meaningless and they just are... after all in the end... we are just human... [:D]
your post reflects the absurdity and randomness of life , particularly , love well. Being in love with someone is half being in love with yourself. Most of the things in our life are about "I" i guess. It's an evolutionary trait, a biological pre-requisite. But i rather agree with *distant_dreams* . over-analysis kills.
Seek truth and tread the difficult path, else just simplify and be an ignorant stupid fool. I wish i had a choice in making that decision :)
hi rider!!! well i believe that we do have a choice in that decision. at every step, you can ignore and be blind, or look into. the purpose of my post is just to incite questions. i cant answer what love means to you. only you can. and i dont pass judgements on what love should be for any individual except for myself.... about the randomness,...i do believe that lifes most important lessons are learnt from the bylines...mainstream is too fake to teach u nything... happy reading.. :)
well said...a few suggestions though..do keep titles of your blogs...and put labels also..and yeah if u in orkut .. do add me, name in my profile ... a bit painful communicating this way is :)
hi rider. yes, i will take care to add titles... i usuallt blog in haste..therefore this...
I chanced upon your blog when I found it mentioned in a community in Orkut. I was reading this post of yours which suddenly made me remember of a certain post of mine....
I like your style of writing.
If interested, you can read that post here :
Hope you get back!
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I have shortened it out now...this would surely work...
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