I am a poet, or so i can safely say, having penned more than fifty (and hundred if you count those written on peices of papers and notebooks in between class, and those given to frds that i for some weird reason dont keep another copy of). i wanted that my work should be published, so i googled publishers ( yea, i am 20 and instead of googling that cute guy next door, if the door happens to be in another continent, i am googling publishers!!), and most of them dont take poetry. CATEGORICALLY!! i even read somewhere that poetry is a dead genre!!!! yea? really?? i mean go through all these sites like my space, orkut and hi5 and you will find that they are teeming with communities and groups of poets and poetry.
poetry is placing your feelings in the wildest ways, but giving them a lyrical beauty. i have no offense against rap, but tell me, if " in the turbulent winds they silently sow, can be matched with yo yo yo yo yo, and sell a million copies ( subject to humungous change in absence of a video), then why cant a completely lyrical experiance, with no cojoint words that make no sense to fill in the lack of rhyme?
poetry is that medium that makes it easier to convey a point, easier than a prose, or for the less enlightened, just plain speaking or writing it. if understood, it can hit the point. for it is free. there are no, 'hello', no ' but i dont mean it that way. no way! theers no space in poetry for political correctness. no space for small talk. no space for hiding your back and still making a point. its all on the floor or out of the door. poetry has the advantage of both music and prose, beauty and brains, for you need a point but you need to make it, you need the beads, but you gotta sow it in a beautiful necklace.
i dont understand how or why poetry can or should be dead. somethings just dont die and poetry is one of them. its when your mind finds the perfect rhythm in the happenings that have been storming in and out of it, a kind of full circle, when everything is more clear than it was, that poetry takes birth. and if you say that that as a genre is dead, then i have to say that a very important, very precise and beautiful way of communication is now out of style ( whatever the heck that means).
i dont think poetry is or was dead. it will live in every stange face that brings a lump in your throat, every heart that flips at the sound of the one they love, every moment that reaches the stage of perfection after so many moments of toil.
i hereby rest my case
Labels: ramblings